When the Whitefriars glass company collapsed Caithness glass bought the right to the tradename and to use the 'monk' date cane. The first weights they produced in this range made an attempt to follow the Whietfriars style. Caithness however did not have the quality of cane work, the high lead content glass or the subtlety of Whitefriars colours. This weight, named Bed of Roses, with a 1982 date cane was designed by Colin Terris and made in an edition of 750, but in fact only 246 were sold which suggests it did not sell well. It is 2.9 inches in diameter and has one top facet and six side facets.
Bed of Roses Blue Rhapsody Garland of Roses Geranium Millenium Snowflake Opium Poppy Pink & White Millefiore
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